You are visiting Paul DARTHOS', Mathematics agrégé teacher, website.
Since September, 2021, I took a Head of Mathematics Department position at French American School of New York (FASNY), in Mamaroneck (NY, USA). My teaching resources are available here.
During 2020-2021 academic year, I taught Calculus in an engineering school (undergraduate level) at the Institut Supérieur de l'Automobile et du Transport (ISAT) of Nevers (France).
You can find my teaching resources here for first year (1A), and there for second year (2A). I created them from various sources: I am very grateful to their authors.
Please find below the links to flip the Variations collection textbooks for which I was editing co-manager since 2017 with Christophe Roland, at Hatier editions (Paris, France).
You can contact me by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (for students) or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (for everyone else), I will always be pleased to answer.
You can also access to:
- my resume in English and in French,
- my Twitter profile,
- my LinkedIn page,
- my YouTube channel,
- and my Twitch channel.
I also invite you to visit the Mathematics week (regional education authority of Bordeaux) website to discover local or national initiatives related to Mathematics.
Please feel free to discover other associations in which I have (more or less active) memberships:
- MATh.en.JEANS: Math workshops in schools, in order to promote Math research in a fun way,
- Société des agrégés: promotion of agrégation (teaching diploma), teaching, and prospective work about this,
- The Shift Project: prospective work about decarbonation of economy at different levels,
- M@ths'n Co: promotion of Mathematics teaching,
- Vélo-cité Bordeaux: defence and promotion of urban bicycling,
- 30 millions d'amis: animal protection.
Finally, here is a tutorial that explains how to create your own videoconference server with BigBlueButton :
Welcome, and see you soon!